Monday, February 8, 2010

Pubblic VS Private responsability

Carbon intensity quotas
Carbon emission trading
Carbon sequestration
International negotiations
International agreements
Kyoto Protocol
Rio de Janeiro Declaration
Environmental policies
Energy efficiency
Renewable energies
Research & Developments
Ethical investments

If you only think about that.. it is quite surprising how corporate business, international institutions, big and small Governments have been charging on themselves appointments, targets, restrictions, fees, incentives and so on..
I am used to look at corporate business and government suspiciously, I don’t trust them completely when it comes to natural environment… but … but... I have to re-examine my judgement. It is surprising how much has been done and how much has been discussed by people that we often regard as greedy and power-seekers only.
This is a surprising spark of trust that I’m gaining in decision makers. It is surprising how many responsibilities they already took on themselves, especially when compared to the amount of responsibilities that citizen are taking on themselves. We, citizens... in Italy at least, we still have problem in keeping our domestic garbage differentiated. We do not give away an inch of our heating systems, our cars and so on.
People in the streets, NGOs and so on are screening loud for “more environment” but what do we really ask for?
Most of the time, basically, we are just pushing for holding on on our old consumption habits. Yes, I can see, I feel that people just wants the same things, the same consumerism, but clean (and not everybody). The responsibility is on the system. The system has to find the way to save my consumption and save the planet as well.
Is it really possible?
And what is it the, implicit, answer of the system? Well, business and government would never ask for some serious shift in our lazy habits. If they react, they only know sanction language, they just charge something more for the same things.
Same habits.. just more expensive. That’s the big mistake of decision makers.
So my question is: who is really performing? Who is not?
Citizen are not; Corporate business is trying to comply; Governments are mild. They are not even thinking to question citizen's addictive and toxic habits.
Now… the good news. Half of the job has been already done, the supply side is active and ready. The demand is lazy. Just demanding for the same standard of life, its drugs, its cholesterol, its poisons, its microwaves, its dose of carbon, its private transportation and so on..
I do be live that it is time to enforce carbon quota, emission quota, and restriction on pollution potential of citizens, only then it will be possible to create a virtuous loop, where supply will be really pushed to a “green direction”.
Can you imagine when, when you as well as any billionaire on this planet will have the same right to pollute. 

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