Saturday, February 26, 2011

Monday, February 14, 2011

Pensare è ordinare il caos
Poetare è versarlo in armonia.
Pensare è pane, poetare è vino.

Thinking is making order out of chaos,
Singing is pouring it into harmonics,
Thinking is bread, poems are wine

Saturday, February 12, 2011

Election, Egypt, Muhammad Hosni Sayyid Mubarak, etc. etc.

AAA democratic election needed (in the neighbor Egypt)

..wishing them the most non-violent smooth transition,

today, 2011 Feb 12 of the Gregorian Calendar, 5770 and something of the Jewish Calendar,
Every political voice should have equal opportunities to be heard,
therefore, there should be fair elections,
every group that wants to run for elections must collect a certain number of signatures, thereafter it can present candidates to the parliament. Legality is a precondition for ordered and well-sorted outcomes. Encouraging legitimate request ; & discouraging any call for extremist behaviors. We have already too many instances of "extremes". One can find extremes everywhere: in the climate, the prices, the water, and many, too many political and religious ideologies. Enough! it is time to talk to each others!

Tuesday, February 8, 2011

BBC on a

official UK 


"climate change 'will boost economy"


Is this a Royal approach to climate change: 

a) climate is going nuts; 
b) what can we benefit from that?;

but also: 
3) developed country will be able to cope with extreme weather events and they will attract investments..;
4) developing countries will be more vulnerable;

I DON'T BELIEVE THAT #3 IS CORRECT, because climate doesn't make discount to anybody. History itself is a collective process... anyway.. 

Ok, two very first comments :

perhaps developed country will be more ready to cope with extreme phenomena, happening once in while,
but they will certainly pay more in terms of economic losses.
why? just because expensive infrastructures are costly to fix and/or replace. 

Moreover, how English researchers concluded that social and economical problems rising all over the world will not affect the Great Britain eventually?? ... and how they can even imagine that, on the contrary, GB will benefit from that?!?

..those answers will be found in the Psychological domain of the governmental researchers.  

for the full article: