when we talk about security we automatically think about military security. fine.. but not enough..
what does it mean rising food prices?
what does it mean overexploitation of water resources all over the world ?
how to use water more efficiently ?
what does it mean food security ?
as it is now happening in Egypt*, food crisis can end up in political crisis therefore global food-security somehow is every nation national-security.
* although... rising food prices in Egypt may be just a pretext an excuse, instrumentally used by those that are addressing the masses
Monday, January 31, 2011
Tuesday, January 18, 2011
Shadows and distortions
Time series may be thought as one particular realization of an higher (and hidden) deterministic system. In other words we can consider a time series as a special/particular/noisy realization of a precise process. Sometimes our series could give us a simplified idea of the pure system behind it, sometimes not. As Plato would love to hear: we can only watch the shadows of the pure mechanism that intercept the light of the indefinitely precise. Those shadows hit the wall of our space having undergone a number of mysterious distortions. Those distortions are produced in a dimension not at all familiar to our perception.
Sunday, January 2, 2011
These signals are drawn from a database signals that includes event related potentials of normal people, and patients with Alzheimer's disease. Here the original signals (below) and theirs (CWT) continuous wavelet transforms (above).
The name of the game is always the same: find the differences and find the good brain.
solution: ko si elddim eht ni eloh eht htiw eno ehT
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